IcEclipse - Solar Eclipse in the Arctic Ocean - 2008 Aug. 01

Korona mit 300 mm


Dr. Wolfgang Strickling

This page in German

Eisbären in den Kernschatten!Our voyage into the Barents Sea for eclipse observation was successful. We found a position on the centerline with low cloudiness and without fog, so that we could observe the eclipse in its full length.
As we were on a moving ship, we were limited in focal length and exposure times.


      PolarisFrom my Tracklog  i could read our position at totality time. It was 79° 51.60' N, 42° 04.2 ' E at 09:50 UTC. For this position i get the following contact times,  calculated with Eclipse Orchestrator

1st Contact: 10:48:47 CEST (Position 79° 47' N, 42° 15' E)
2nd Contact: 11:49:00 CEST
Mid: 11:50:10 CEST
3rd Contact: 11:51:17 CEST
4th Contact: 12:51:23 CEST (Position 79° 54' N, 42° 32' E)
View our Tracklog in Google® Earth.

      ChromosphäreTwo images of the chromosphere at second contact, exp. time 1/4000 s, ISO 100 and 300 mm f/4.5 mirror telephoto lens.

Bearbeitetes Summenbild der
        KoronaA processed sum image of several different exposures.
Exp times max 1/125 s at ISO 1600.

Weitwinkelaufnahme der UmgebungWide angle images during totality, with Venus and Mercury, taken with FinePix F40fd in night exposure mode.

Small picture right: At the end of totality the sky presented a firework of colors.
Horizontfärbung beim Blick nach Norden

Below: Fisheye-shots with my Peleng 8mm F/5,6 on Fujicolor 200 color print film Camera sequence automatically made by my Eclipse Observer. Beginning, mid and end of totality.
      zu Beginn der Totalität     Fisheye zur
      Mitte der Finsternis    Fisheye zum 3. Kontakt

Meteorologic Observations

Wettermessungen zur Finsternis Similar to my previous eclipses i could get meteorologic recordings. Unfortunately my recorder failed due to the low temperature just at totality time, so i did not get the sky brightness during central time of the eclipse.

The decrease of  temperature was surprisingly high, although our ship's position was far awy from land.
The temperatures fell from 5.1 °C  at 09:43 UTC to 0.5 °C at 10:23 UTC. It was not before 12 o'clock  UTC before temperature rose again due to the vanishing of fog, which disturbed the observation of the second partial phase.
I made temperature recordings with two sensors: one in 1.5 m height, the other with 1 m height, which was not shielded against the solar radion as good as the first one. So it recorded slighly higher temperatures than the other one.

The indicated wind speed was primarily caused by the ship's speed. You can download a table with my measurements as a CSV-file here. A Click on the graph opens a pdf-document..

You can also download a GPS track log in GPX-file format here. Members of our travel group may receive a complete Travel log on request, as far as i recorded it.

© 2008 Dr. Wolfgang Strickling

Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung

My solar eclipse projects
My eclipse observations
1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 (in German), 2006, 2009, 2011 (DE), 2012 (DE), 2015 (DE), 2016, 2017

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last update:  2008-Aug. 20